
My Other Blog

Friday, February 26, 2010

To-Do List: Put Off Procrastinating

Its that kind of day again, where you’re faced with unlimited choices of things to do; ones that should be done, or could be done, and quite frankly many that must be done, but you’re stuck in a fog, knowing you need to get moving, but the transmission’s locked in neutral and try as you might you can’t knock it free.

It’s a perfectly wonderful Friday outside, if by wonderful you mean that it’s still not Spring, the sun can’t be seen, and while the days are indeed getting longer, you’d rather just return to bed. Your desk is a cluttered mess – you could clean that up and organize it and file that pile of papers you keep pushing further and further away from your peripheral vision – but that seems like too much work. Taxes could be started and you could figure out how much you should be investing in your retirement account, if you had free money laying around, which you don’t, and that’s sounds like a lot of work too – painful work at that, all those forms and papers and numbers and well, lets face it, you can’t do your taxes if your desk isn’t clear – where would you put all those forms and files and papers?

You could put away that basket of laundry that you’ve let sit on the floor by the bed the last three days, matching those socks and tucking them just so and putting them neatly in their drawer – but you know you won’t find that last match, or the one before that, and then what do you do with the lonely outcasts? Chances are they aren’t both your socks anyways, so you can’t just throw them in the top drawer with the other unmatched ones – and no, you can’t go looking in there for another one just like it and make a pair that way – that’s akin to laundry dishonesty. They went into the washer together, they should come out of the dryer that way too. Sock infidelity won’t be tolerated in this house.

The plans for the kitchen remodel could be finalized a bit further, so you could cost out those final pieces of the puzzle, to see where this dream turned minor nightmare is actually heading, but you still need a consult with the other majority shareholder regarding door/drawer configuration on the island cabinetry.

Lord knows you could clean up after the child, but that goes against your principles of having him learn to pick up after himself and be responsible for his belongings, and not leave things just laying around in heaps and piles on the floor or whichever horizontal surface was easiest to set things on. What that child needs is more discipline, you decide, and today’s the day you’re going to start making sure he gets it.

Maybe. Right after you start applying those same principles in your own adult life.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Too few places to Hide a Body

We all know this of course, it shouldn't really be shocking, but there just aren't enough good places to hide a body.

Don't be calling the authorities just yet - I haven't done anything to warrant that type of behavior. Just throwing this out there. Put down the phone.

Your children know this too. They've played hide and seek, and we all learned early on, and so have they, that just because you can't see someone doesn't mean they can't see you. For while your head may be sufficiently hidden behind that tree, or covered just so with that pile of laundry beside your bed, or inside that cramped cupboard, the simple fact is that there's a pretty good chance a larger, more obvious part of your anatomy is on display, easily visible to those you are so carefully hiding from.

The internet is like that.

We have this assumption that we are hidden from view, safe in our daily lives, anonymous as it were, when we post on message boards; tweet our latest movements; shop online or even just browse the web looking for that next great deal on ebay. We know this to be just as false as being hidden from visible view while playing hide and seek - yet many of us seem very willing to ignore what we intrinsically know, regardless of how many times we've had our identities compromised. We're lazy. We don't take as many precautions as the "experts" tell us to in order to protect ourselves. We're adults; we don't want to be told how to do something, we want to be free to do whatever we want, however we'd like, whenever the urge strikes us.

Play with fire long enough, you'll get burned.

And so, eschewing the safety of true anonymity, here I stand before you, joining the too-many-to-count masses that have for a variety of reasons (most of them ego-issue related) taken to posting their thoughts and observances for you to read and comment on. Why? I really don't know. Maybe to finally silence those dear friends who have continually urged me to write something, anything! ? Maybe to satisfy some deep seated unresolved vanity? Could be. But more truthfully, I see this endeavor as a way for me to gain more knowledge about myself and my interests, allowing me to discover my own opinion on things and to value that opinion more and to grow in new directions as a person.

So. Let's see where this takes us. Let's explore the world together and search for treasure. And if we uncover a few bodies along the way, well, they weren't all that well hidden to begin with, were they?