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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Week of Gratitude - Day 7

Final day of the week of listing three things I am grateful for.  For many people these kinds of lists and gratitude journals (if the lists become habit-forming and a daily reminder to find the good and the awesome in everything around us) are eye-opening in their ability to alter ones focus on the positive and good around them everyday. In many corners, society has become a bitch session and we can get caught up in the drama and negativity being shared instead of letting it pass on by and not taking any ownership or burden of it personally.

We all know people who seem to be perpetually stuck under a dark rain cloud, nothing is ever good enough, or always going wrong, and they never seem to have an end to all the things they can complain about or reasons why their lives are just so difficult.

I can't be bothered with them anymore.

Sure we all have days when things just don't seem to be going in our favour, and yes, we all bitch about things from time to time - but there comes a point when you have to look in the mirror and suck it up and accept that it's your life, and you are the only one who is going to live it.  I can find enough negative energy in my own life if I look deep enough, I don't need anyone else's weighing me down.

And neither do you.  So I hope if you have done a list like this or are thinking about doing one, that you make the shift to seeing the bright side - because there always is one - and looking at things from various perspectives until you see that every situation and circumstance holds the seeds of happiness and contentment.

So today I want to give my thanks for

1. The various Job Experiences and Clients I have had the pleasure to work with over the years.

Each one has taught me something - not every one left me with a warm fuzzy happy feeling at the end of the project - and that's okay, I was still able to take something positive away from those experiences to change or concentrate on differently the next time, helping me change and grow and become more proficient and efficient in the process.

I have gained skills and perspectives from all the trades and clients I have worked with and alongside, understanding how and why they do what they do and to what end, and it has given me a much better understanding of what people want and why and how best to serve others while still enjoying the work being done.  That wasn't an overnight lesson, nor was it always easy to implement, but it is something I am trying to teach Riley (and others) though I know he will need to find  his own way to that realization in his own time, but if I can help him get there even just a little bit sooner than he would have on his own it will be a success.

2. I am grateful for the friendships I have.

Life is not a solitary journey, and it gets much easier when we share the load and let others help us when we need it - and even when we don't think we do - and we are all better off when we share our experiences and magnify them collectively.  Friends are your support, your reinforcements, your foundation - they will be there when you need them, and they will lift you up and carry you to greater heights, but you need to be a friend too - though we all know people who seem to be selflessly giving of them selves to all who ask - if we look closer we will find that they also have a need to be supported and looked after from time to time themselves, and we owe it to ourselves as well to be there when called upon.

I have an awesome group of friends - near and far - some I have never met face to face - but that doesn't lessen the impact and importance they play in my life - and I would not not be where I am today without their support, feedback, persistence and kicks in the ass when needed!  My life is richer for the diversity and depth of the friends I keep, and I believe they are a reflection of me, mirroring the traits and beliefs and characteristics that make me who I am.  I only hope I am fulfilling my end of the bargain as well.

and lastly, I am grateful for

3. Today.

Right here, right now.  It's all I will ever have, all I will ever need.  Knowing that and accepting that is paramount to living in the present and doing what needs to be done now, for the benefit of later, letting the past be what it was, learning from it and choosing wisely moving forward into the next now.  Where I go from here is up to me, but it all starts right now, right here, with what I choose to think about, focus on and believe about my reality.  To have that kind of power at my disposal constantly is humbling and exciting at the same time.

So whether it's cold and grey or hot and sunny - it's all good.

I'm just fine in my own skin.  I don't need to be anybody else, and if it all ends today, I'd be more than fine with that too.

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